Monday, November 3, 2014

Using our fingers..

Today we finger painted with blue paint. Finger painting is essential for toddlers to explore different textures. It's always fun watching them explore the paint.

This week we will really hit hard using our manners, especially meal time signs as some of the baby bears are getting lazy. It's also important to work on these signs because it will build their vocabulary and they will start picking up the words as well. 

-For our vocal toddlers we are working on the words: Excuse me, No Thank-you, and Please help and Thank-you. 

I took out our Halloween books and replaced them with some manner books. We also have some Thanksgiving books as well. 

This week we will be working on trying to figure out our puzzles. I was pleasantly surprised some of them got it within the first couple of try's. We have some problem solvers in this group. The sounds ones are fun too!

Our Cutest Moments:

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